17. And you experiment with every possible video chatting software enough to form well-informed pros and cons lists about each.
Via reddit.com
The ability to do this ^ goes on FaceTime’s pros list.
18. You let some personal hygiene and grooming fall by the wayside.
Although, let’s be real, if you’ve been together long enough, this is no different when they’re in town.
19. And, since you can’t update them on your bodily functions in person, you find yourself sending and receiving some interesting texts.
20. You’ve screenshotted and Instagrammed at least one text message convo, or one of these cutesy Skype shots.
Via instagram.com
22. Whenever you have a funny experience, your first thought is, I can’t wait to tell [your boo] about this.
CBS / Via mydarlingpan.tumblr.com
24. And you’re baffled every single day by how slow it’s moving.
Warner Bros / Via gradstudentdrone.tumblr.com
25. You realize all the teeny tiny everyday things you’re dependent on your S.O. for, and appreciate them tenfold.
Disney / Via dreamsofpaprika.livejournal.com
26. So now more than ever, you’re 100% sure that when you’re reunited, the wait will be worth it.
Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/things-that-happen-when-your-significant-other-is-out-of-tow
Author: Rega Jha